Monthly Archives: January 28, 2021

100 Years of Chinese Literature: 1910-1919

Round two for China’s 20th century. Who defined the 1910-1919 period: China’s first Marxist (Li Dazhao) or its first serious literary realist (Lu Xun)? And more importantly: who had the better moustache?

Supplement #1: Lin Shu, Inc. by Michael Gibbs-Hill

Have you ever wanted to learn more about China, but were either unsure where to start, or didn’t have the money or access? Our new supplement is designed to help. Join us as we discuss our personal picks for essential works on China. Challenging, but not opaque. Interesting, but not amusing. It’s everything you need. […]

100 Years of Chinese Literature, Part 1: 1900-1909

It’s here at last! We’re discussing the definitive writers for each decade in China’s 20th century, looking at how they exemplified that era’s struggles and triumphs. Join us this first week to discuss how Wang Guowei (王国维) and Wu Jianren (吴趼人) were the representative writers of China’s last imperial decade.