Cat Collab with China History Podcast

I recently got the honor of getting to come back on the China History Podcast over with the head honcho at Teacup Media. Here are all the poems and prose text that we read on the Catastic podcast (other than Xiran Jay Zhao’s, and her excellent translations can be found here). If you see any mistakes or have different interpretations, feel free to shoot me an email at:


Lin Bu

I catch a little fish out of the stream on my thin hook, 

and my cat, full, lies beneath the shade of flowers, happy as can be. 

Because of him, the rats are hate me and poverty never comes to my house, 

I am not ashamed, in my little hut, to hold an office without doing any of the work. 





Given as a Present to Mr. Pink Nose

Sunset after sunset, my cat tears apart mice frequently, 

angry, his whiskers, sprayed with blood, protect the leftovers of what I have stored up. 

How could he compare himself to the houses of rich cats, 

where they fill up on fish all day and sleep on the brocade cushion?




Big Rat

Fat rat, fat rat,

don’t eat my millet. 

I have served you for so long, 

but you have not taken care of me. 

I swear I’m going to leave you, 

I’m going to take off for that other happy land. 

Happy land, happy land, 

that is where I’m going to be. 

Fat rat, fat rat,

don’t eat my wheat. 

I have served you for so long,

but you ain’t done me any favors. 

I swear I’m going to leave you,

I’m going to take off for that other happy country.

Happy country, Happy country,

that is where I’ll find my reward. 

Fat rat, fat rat,

don’t eat my seedlings.

I have served you for so long,

but you still haven’t given me anything in return. 

I swear I am going to leave you,

I’m going to take off for that happy suburb. 

Happy suburb, happy suburb,

oh man, sighhhhh. 





Requesting a Cat

Night comes and these fucking rats take advantage of my cat’s death,

They eye my jars and turn over my plates, messing with my sleep. 

I heard that your kitty had a couple of kittens,

I have some fish strung through on a willow branch, and I would like to hire one of your cats. 




Thank you Zhou Wenzhi for Sending me a Kitty

Your cat has demonstrated he has battle skills, 

He is clearly carrying on the family tradition of the great general Zhou Yafu. 

With a thin meal of one scoop of fish, he is not satiated, 

he commands all the rat holes in all four of my walls. 




Teasing  the Cat

Mottled tiger like skin of my cat is clean and new,

they sleep pampered on the brocade cushion, like a loved family member.

The mouse crosses between the roof beams, his strategy muddled,

But outside, he goes to steal a chicken, this is too heartless. 





Sleeping Cat

There are grains in the bottles and cups, the rats steal them all,

the cats asleep on the bed and knows nothing about it. 

His helpless family still cherishes him,

they buy him fish and rice and raise him like a son. 





Liu Ji – 郁离子-捕鼠

There was a person from Zhao who was suffering from mice, and he begged a cat from Zhongshan. The cat that the person from Zhongshan gave, that cat was good at hunting mice and chickens. More than a month later, all his mice were gone, oh, and also all his chickens were gone too. His son was worried about it, and he asked his father, “Why not get rid of the cat?” His dad said, “You’re thinking about it wrong. If we are suffering from mice, we don’t care if we don’t have chickens. Think about it, if we got rats, they steal our food, they destroy our clothes, they punch holes in our walls, they destroy our tools, and, with this, we will freeze and starve, let’s not be troubled by not having chickens. With no chickens, we won’t be able to eat chicken…and that’s it. Starving and freezing, that is way worse. What would we do without a cat!”




Writing a Poem for Funsies on Getting a Cat from Nearby Village and Naming him Snowy

He climbs trees like a tiger, 

like a foal, he does not bear the burden of a carriage. 

Only he knows the empty rat holes, 

and he has no intention of eating fish. 

He often gets drunk on catnip, 

Night by night he keeps warm on the carpet. 

In a past life, he must have been my pageboy,

accompanying me from that old mountain village. 






Offering a Sacrifice to My Cat

Since I got my cat, Mr. Five White,

Mice did not attack my books.

This morning, Mr. Five White died, 

I offered a sacrifice of fish and rice. 

I buried him in the river, 

I do it to pray for you, not to distance myself from you.

Back in the day, you nibbled on a rat,

Gnawing on it, you would meow and circle the yard. 

You wanted to frighten the other mice, 

and to clear them out of my little shithole house.  

When I was on a boat, we would stay together in a room. 

Although my rations were thin, 

at least I didn’t have to deal having mice pissing in and eating my food. 

The fact is, you worked hard, 

harder than chickens and pigs. 

Lots of folks value animals that can pull a plow or drive a cart, 

they say that cats aren’t as good as a horse or a mule. 

WTF? I don’t want to talk about this any more,  

Mr. Five White, I will cry for you.  












Asking for a Cat

Wen Zhengming

I treasure the little cat that you gave me, 

my girl already laid out the carpet. 

Because of the cat, I can lie on my couch at night free of worry, 

especially in terms of that cat guarding the old books in my mountain studio. 

I hired him with a present of salt wrapped in bamboo leaves, 

On my record of meritorious service, let it not be said that I fed no fish. 

The flower’s shadows cover the ground, the spring games are about to begin, 

It is now time for the silk worm to hibernate for more than two months. 






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